Growing Chefs! Ontario Pesto Mayonnaise
Pesto Mayonnaise
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Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Prepare the herbs by removing the leaves from the stem and discarding the stems.
Grate parmesan cheese.
Remove peel from the garlic and chop roughly.
Cut lemon in half, and squeeze out juice, making sure to dispose of the seeds.
Measure out pumpkin seeds and olive oil.
Get Cooking!
In the bowl of a food processor combine the herbs, pumpkin seeds, garlic, parmesan, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Begin to blend.
While blending, drizzle in the olive oil to reach the desired consistency.
You can make your pesto as textured or smooth as you like. Season to taste with salt and pepper. If the pesto tastes flat, usually a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon is all it needs. Pulse to combine. Mix with mayonnaise.
Scratch-made Mayonnaise
Oil and water don’t mix – or do they? Learn about the emulsification process by making scratch-made mayo, a blend of oil and water (eggs)!