Growing Chefs! at Home
Our collection of step-by-step recipe and resource videos made for children and families to explore together in your kitchen at home!

Welcome to Growing Chefs! At Home!
Growing Chefs! at Home is a collection of free recipes and resource videos made for children and families to explore in their own kitchens. Our step- by-step videos are led by our amazing trained chefs who will guide parents and kids alike, through the process of making meals the entire family can get excited about. These resources are sure to help you and your family learn and develop healthy relationships with food!

Disorganization while cooking with your kids can make or break the experience. Check out our growing library of recipes which is divided into sections to assist grown-ups in deciding where children can be involved in the cooking process. We believe any involvement — from gathering and measuring ingredients to adding the finishing touches to a recipe — is an extremely valuable experience in developing food literacy.
We provide you with all the tools needed to get organized, get prepared and get cooking together, with dozens of recipe videos created specifically for kids, featuring our incredible chefs. They’re a fun way to both get the family to try new dishes and to help kids develop their own skills and techniques in the kitchen. And the resource videos for grown-ups will help prepare parents and their cooking spaces to create an ideal environment for everybody. Topics include organization methods, tips for parents with picky eaters, strategies for cooking with children of different ages, and more.