Growing Chefs! Ontario Pancit
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Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
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Soak vermicelli noodles in warm water for at least 30 minutes.
Cut the cabbage into quarters, removing the core and slicing the leaves very thinly.
Peel the carrot then finely julienne.
Finely mince the celery.
Cut the onion in half root to tip, then slice off both ends. Slice the onion thinly from root to tip.
Remove the roots from the green onion, then slice thinly on a slight bias, using the entirety of the green onion.
Peel the garlic and using a or chef’s knife, mince it very finely. Set half aside for toasting. rasp
Cut the limes into 8 wedges each to serve alongside.
Measure out the chicken stock, grapeseed oil, fish sauce, soy sauce, and annatto.
Get Cooking!
In a large pan add oil and preheat 2 – 3 minutes over medium heat. Fry ¼ cup of garlic, and cook until lightly golden and fried. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Add chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic and cabbage and cook for 4 – 5 minutes until cabbage has softened.
Add the stock, annato, soy sauce and fish sauce, then bring to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Add the noodles and mix until everything is well combined and serve hot. Garnish with fried garlic, green onions, and lime.

Growing Chefs! Ontario Recipe

Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Soak vermicelli noodles in warm water for at least 30 minutes.
Cut the cabbage into quarters, removing the core and slicing the leaves very thinly.
Peel the carrot then finely julienne.
Finely mince the celery.
Cut the onion in half root to tip, then slice off both ends. Slice the onion thinly from root to tip.
Remove the roots from the green onion, then slice thinly on a slight bias, using the entirety of the green onion.
Peel the garlic and using a or chef’s knife, mince it very finely. Set half aside for toasting. rasp
Cut the limes into 8 wedges each to serve alongside.
Measure out the chicken stock, grapeseed oil, fish sauce, soy sauce, and annatto.
Get Cooking!
In a large pan add oil and preheat 2 – 3 minutes over medium heat. Fry ¼ cup of garlic, and cook until lightly golden and fried. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Add chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic and cabbage and cook for 4 – 5 minutes until cabbage has softened.
Add the stock, annato, soy sauce and fish sauce, then bring to a simmer. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Add the noodles and mix until everything is well combined and serve hot. Garnish with fried garlic, green onions, and lime.