Growing Chefs! Ontario Mole Poblano

Mole Poblano

Chef Karla’s Recipe! Mole is a super complex sauce in Mexican cuisine, it can be eaten with poached chicken, enmoladas, huevos rancheros or cactus (nopalitos)
2 litres
1/2 cup lard (or vegetable oil)100 grams chile mulato, seeded and stemmed (reserve seeds)75 grams chile pasilla, seeded and stemmed (reserve seeds)100 grams chile ancho, seeded and stemmed (reserve seeds)1 small white onion, chopped5 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped100 grams almonds, raw with skin100 grams peanuts, raw unsalted50 grams raisins5 whole cloves1/2 teaspoon anise seeds1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds1 teaspoon black pepper, ground4 tablespoons sesame seeds1 small stick of Mexican cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon25 grams chile seeds (reserved from dry chiles above)1 plantain, very ripen (the skin has to be dark) peeled, sliced and fried until golden2 tortillas, cut in pieces1/4 baguette, a few days old preferably3 roma tomatoes, charred3 cups chicken broth60 grams Mexican chocolate (chocolate Abuelita) or 70% chocolate1 teaspoon salt1/2 cup sesame seeds, for garnish
Measuring cupsMeasuring spoonsCutting boardFrying panTongsBaking sheet lined with parchment paper or a bbqSlotted spoonBowls of various sizesChef knifeLarge potWooden spoonScaleBlenderTasting spoonDish towel

Get Organized!

Gather your mis en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients

Get Prepped!

Weigh out the chiles and crack them open to shake out the seeds. Discard the stems.

Measure out the lard or vegetable oil.

Remove the top and bottom of the onion, peel off the paper and dice.

Peel the garlic and mince.

Weigh out the almonds, peanuts, raisins and chocolate.

Measure out all of the spices, chicken stock.

Cut or rip the tortillas and baguette into pieces.

Char the tomatoes by placing them on a baking sheet and baking at a high temperature or by grilling on a barbecue.

Peel and slice the plantain and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Get Cooking!

This recipe can be made in a large pot, big enough to hold all ingredients spaciously.

On a medium heat, melt lard, when hot, add dried chiles in 2 or 3 batches stirring constantly and being careful not to burn them as they get bitter. Sauté for a couple of seconds until they start to change colour. Take them out with a slotted spoon and reserve.

In the same oil, cook onion for 2 or 3 minutes then add garlic and cook for a few seconds. Add almonds, peanuts and raisins, stir constantly mixing all ingredients for about 2 minutes.

Move everything to the sides of the pot and add sesame seeds and all spices, stir constantly and cook for 2 – 3 minutes until fragrant.

Add chile seeds and stir for another minute or so. Add slices of fried plantain and mix everything very well.

Make room again in the centre and add tortillas and baguette until browned, if necessary, add more oil or lard.

Add charred tomatoes and mix well.

Return sautéed chiles to the pot along with the chicken broth and the chocolate, stir to make sure all ingredients get mixed well. Season.

Lower heat a little bit, simmer covered for 15 – 20 minutes. Turn off heat and leave covered for 1 hour until all flavours intensify, chocolate dissolves and chiles soften.

Puree everything in a blender until it is very smooth.

Mole can be stored in the fridge or it can be frozen. When you are ready to use, check consistency and it can be diluted with chicken broth in order to be thick but pourable. Check season. Sprinkle some sesame seeds to garnish.