Growing Chefs! Ontario Cheddar Fondue with Apple Slices

Cheddar Fondue with Apple Slices

This spin on a retro classic makes a great party food or even dinner paired with some bread and veggies.
Serves 4-6
1 cup apple cider8 ozs cheddar cheese8 ozs Monterey Jack cheese2 tablespoons cornstarch4 apples, peeled and sliced Freshly grated or ground nutmeg
Small potWhiskWooden SpoonCheese graterMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsCutting boardKnife or safe chopperBowlsDish towelTasting spoon


Get Organized!

Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.

Get Prepped!

Grate the cheese and measure out the cider and cornstarch.

Get Cooking!

In a medium saucepan, bring the cider to a simmer over medium heat.

In a medium bowl, toss the cheese with the cornstarch. Gradually whisk the cheese mixture into the cider until melted and smooth. Add nutmeg to taste. Keep sauce warm for serving. Slice apples and serve with cheese sauce.