Growing Chefs! Ontario Sunbutter Greek Yogurt Dip
Sunbutter Greek Yogurt Dip
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Dip it, dunk it, scoop it! This creamy dip is perfect for fruits AND vegetables!
Serves 2 to 3
cup greek yogurt2
tablespoons sunbutter1/8
teaspoon cinnamon1/2
teaspoon honey1/4
teaspoon salt
SpatulaMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsBowls of various sizesDish towel
Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Measure out the yogurt into a bowl, using a to scrape as much as possible out of the bowl. spatula
Into the yogurt, measure the sun butter, cinnamon, honey, and salt.
Get Cooking!
Stir with a until well combined. Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary. spatula

Growing Chefs! Ontario Recipe
Sunbutter Greek Yogurt Dip
Yield: Serves 2 to 3
Difficulty: Beginner

Dip it, dunk it, scoop it! This creamy dip is perfect for fruits AND vegetables!
cup greek yogurt2
tablespoons sunbutter1/8
teaspoon cinnamon1/2
teaspoon honey1/4
teaspoon salt
SpatulaMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsBowls of various sizesDish towel
Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Measure out the yogurt into a bowl, using a to scrape as much as possible out of the bowl. spatula
Into the yogurt, measure the sun butter, cinnamon, honey, and salt.
Get Cooking!
Stir with a until well combined. Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary. spatula