Growing Chefs! Ontario Mozzarella


This classic cheese is surprisingly simple to form, and so fun to stretch
1 Pound
15 cups homogenized milk1 1/2 cups citric acid1/4 teaspoon single strength liquid rennet1 1/4 cups distilled water1 teaspoon salt
thermometerparing knifeconanderspatulameasuring spoonsmeasuring cupsmixing bowls of various sizescheese clothlarge pot with lidtasting spoonsdish towels

Get Organized!

Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.

Get Prepped!

Combine liquid rennet with ¼ cup of cool distilled water, mix and set aside.

In a large pot, combine citric acid with 1 cup of cool distilled water. Pour your cold milk into the pot quickly and mix well.

Get Cooking!

Heat the milk over low heat to 90°F. The milk should begin to curdle slightly. If the milk doesn’t seem to be forming a curd or separating, heat to 95°F.
Fill a separate pot with water and begin heating it to 175°F.
Once the milk has reached the desired temperature, remove it from the burner and slowly mix in your rennet solution. Stir for about 30 seconds, then let settle. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, remove the lid and you should be able to see some clear separation of the curd. If the curd seems too soft to strain, let it sit longer, up to 25 minutes.
Cut the curds into a checkerboard pattern and return to the stove and heat to 110°F while slowly stirring.
Remove from the heat and continue stirring slowly for 3 – 4 minutes.
Strain the curd from the whey into a colander lined with cheesecloth over another bowl, but reserve the whey in the pot to keep warm.
Add a little salt to the curd and fold it a few times as it drains. Do not work the curd too much at this step.
Wear multiple gloves for this step, as the cheese will be very hot when you are stretching. Break the curd into 2‑inch pieces. Using the water brought to 175°F earlier, dip it into the warm water and begin stretching it. You will need to go back and forth to the hot water and your hands to keep the curd hot so it stretches into a ball. It may be lumpy at first, but keep dipping and stretching! Once shaped in a ball, store it in the reserved whey from earlier.