Growing Chefs! Ontario Coffee Syrup
Coffee Syrup
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This two-ingredient syrup can be used to flavour drinks, drizzled over cakes or even poured over your favourite ice cream. The possibilities are endless!
Makes 1 cup
cup strong coffee2
tablespoons sugars
Measuring spoonsMeasuring cupsMedium potSmall potMixing bowls of various sizesTasting spoonsDish towel
Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Brew one cup of strong coffee and measure out sugar.
Get Cooking!
Stir very well until sugar is dissolved.

Growing Chefs! Ontario Recipe
Coffee Syrup
Yield: Makes 1 cup
Difficulty: Beginner
This two-ingredient syrup can be used to flavour drinks, drizzled over cakes or even poured over your favourite ice cream. The possibilities are endless!
cup strong coffee2
tablespoons sugars
Measuring spoonsMeasuring cupsMedium potSmall potMixing bowls of various sizesTasting spoonsDish towel
Get Organized!
Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.
Get Prepped!
Brew one cup of strong coffee and measure out sugar.
Get Cooking!
Stir very well until sugar is dissolved.