Inner Beet

An appeal to the heart

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The Inner Beet is a group of donors who are change makers. They know how to get to the heart of a problem and make lasting change.

The Inner Beet are key community members, just like you, that support Growing Chefs! Ontario by contributing monthly gifts and time to help Growing Chefs! Ontario change the way we learn about and develop healthy relationships with food in London!

Why give monthly?
➤ It’s easy and secure! Automatically give each month and make a continuing impact on the issues you care about – a monthly donation saves paper, postage, and energy!
➤ Your monthly gift provides Growing Chefs! Ontario the reliable funds needed to drive lasting change.
➤ It’s simple to budget. You can determine your giving budget for the year and can change or stop your monthly giving at any time.
➤ You will get special updates from some of our program participants!
➤ Feel good! You are helping children access food education regardless of financial barriers.

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*Please note monthly donations of any amount are always welcome and appreciated and will help us further Food Education in London.