Growing Chefs! Ontario Bumbleberry Pie

Bumbleberry Pie

Bumbleberry pie is a happy mix of whatever local delicious berries you can find!
1 pie
1 double pie crust (see recipe) extra flour for rolling1 egg

For the filling:

1/2 cup cornstarch1 1/4 cups granulated sugar2 1/2 cups blueberries2 1/2 cups raspberries2 1/2 cups blackberries2 1/2 tablespoons orange juice1 1/4 teaspoons orange zest
Bowls of various sizesMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsSpatulaPie tinPastry brushParing knifeRaspRolling pinTasting spoonsDish towel

Get Organized!

Gather your mise en place; get together all of the equipment needed for the recipe and gather your ingredients.

Get Prepped!

Measure cornstarch and sugar into a bowl.

Measure all of the berries into a bowl.

Remove the zest of the orange with a rasp, and squeeze the juice into the berries.

Mix the berries together with the cornstarch and sugar.

Roll out the one pie dough slightly larger than the pie pan, and press into the pan, with the edges hanging over. Trim the edges with a paring knife.

Add the filling into the pie, and roll our the other pie dough to fit on top, adding a couple of slits to let the steam escape. Fold the top pie dough under the bottom pie dough, and crimp the edges.

Mix together the egg with 1 tablespoon of water, and brush the top of the pie with the egg wash.

Get Cooking!

Preheat the oven to 350°F and bake for 50 – 60 minutes until golden brown and bubbling.